An efficient bank account is one of the most important elements for a business. This is because of a fact that not all bank accounts can serve the needs of your business. Some do not serve the countries where you do your business. Others require physical presence while even more do not inspire the confidence of business people around the world. How can you open a business bank account online and be certain that it will serve your banking needs? The answer lies in working with a seasoned agency that understands banks in Ireland.


Off-shore companies operate remotely, making physical engagements almost non-existent. We understand the banking environment in Ireland and the requirements for EEA based companies as well as those coming from other parts of the world. We will therefore guide you on the kind of account to open and the best banks to associate with. From our experience, we ensure that the banks deliver personalized packages that meet your needs. This information is based on our regular reviews of banks and the products they provide.

Why Work With Us When Opening Your Account?

Ireland allows you to open business bank account online and operate them without being physically present in Ireland. This saves you money for travel and logistics as you try to set up a bank account for your business. With a brief from our clients, we will deliver a banking package for personal and business use that meets your unique needs. What other benefits do you stand to get by working with us?

  • Confidentiality- we maintain confidentiality regarding the existence of the account, the volumes traded, persons making the deposits or withdrawals and even the flow of funds into or out of the account. This ensures that your operations remain discrete as you would desire.
  • Profitable terms- we guarantee profitable terms of engagement. Beyond saving you the cost of traveling and moving around as you seek to open the account, we manage all requirements until the account is opened. We will file necessary documents and present application forms until the account is operational. We choose banks that will give you the best interest rates, few operational requirements on bank balances, turnover and limitations on jurisdictions that you can transact with. We also ensure that there are no currency controls on your account.
  • Protection against banking risks- we choose institutions that are financially stable and with a reputation of serving international businesses efficiently. This guarantees protection against inflation, inflated exchange rates and lost capital, among other risks.

Do you want a bank that offers a specific product that suits your business? We will hunt for these products and deliver them to your business. We are cautious about the areas where these banks operate. We will also introduce you to banks and financial institutions operating in off-shore jurisdictions, Americas, Asia, Europe and other parts of the world. This enables you to get your operations to any part of the world.

About Irish Company

We are the most reliable and professional agency to support you whenever you need to open business bank account online. We provide guidance and expertise in assisting you make the right banking and financial institution choices. Call us today to ensure smooth financial transactions for your business.